Sunday, August 21, 2011

♥ U mah Angel ♥ ♥ ♥

Every single night i wish the next day would be much better with you.........
I hope i make my conversation lively atleast fr few seconds which you hardly spare fr me in ur daily lyff....
Yes i feel i'm lucky enough and proud to say tat your presence has some special pages in my lyfff.....
The only image which i never delete and never feel bored to see daily is ur cute face with a idiotic smile or urs in it..................
                                                                                         Source :My Awesomeness\m/

♥ U EMMA ♥♥♥♥

I trouble you every second with my sms doesn't imply that i can't live without you......
It literally mean that i live for "U" and only "U" my angel........

♥ly shraddha ♥♥♥♥

Every thing in mah lyf was either taught by someone or i learnt from someone...........
The only "Exception" in mah lyf is "U" mah angel whom i'm touched to very naturally...
"U" made me live for "U"...
"U" made luv yu more by impressing me with ur cutie smile :):)
"U" made me find the exact me in myself.........
"U" topped my list of favourites with the charm in ur eyes.....
"U" replaced roses in mah office with ur pics which were previously my favourite..........
Now a days "I" lost interest in luving mahself after seeing you my doll........................... 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I find the spark in ur eyes when ever i dream of "U"....
Should i be feeling special as mah ideas of u came alive more lively as u as i believe in them......
Luk urself through mah eyes so that i can make you feel how special are you to me....
Still you lied just to get rid of me.................

Monday, August 8, 2011


 I dun say i was perfect before i met "U".........
Until i saw "U" i never lied, i never delayed.......
The day I saw "U" tat day i couldn't control mahself staring at ur eyes which were so lively......
After seeing yu my eyes never accepted anything beautiful other than yu!!!!!
My heart force me to be with yu every single moment until i take the last breathe in this world......

                                                                                        Source :My Awesomeness\m/

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


U are the one with whom i wanna share my secrets......
When i'm in a group of people whom i luv so much and still they dont care that i luv them.. i never felt bad for that........
I felt very bad when i was waving hands for you and you didn't even care to luk at me........
Still U are the one whom i wanna speak at late night when i cant sleep....
U are the one who make me feel better when i juzzzzz hold your hand... when i get scared..... 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


You make my day luvely with your smile........
I luv to wait some thousands of moments in my lyff juzzz to spend one single moment with you.....
I luv it wen send ur glimpse of smile through sms and lasts long in my inbox..........
I juzzz wait for that single moment and feel to be the happiest person world has ever come across..........
B't dont make me wait until i lose the hope of losing you!!!!


I didn't cry because you didn't find me luving material........
I cried because you felt that i was the scariest creature you have ever found on earth.....


I have come across some thousands of girls right fr'm my childhood...
lyked many gals... luv'd few................
B't none were as sweet as u.......
U might be far away fr'm mah eyes b't very close 2 my heart.........
I gonna wait in the world's longest queue juzzzzz for the pleasure of moment
with u my "LUV".......

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mumbai meri jaan

Mumbai_734475831The day i saw you i was very fascinated about living in mumbai...Everyday after waking up the only word which use come out of my mind is mumma when are we going to live in mumbaiduring my childhood...Whenever i look at "AMITABH BACHAN" on screen i feel i wish i could be there in mumbai..when "AMITAB JI" cum's out of his balcony and wave hands for me even when i'm in thousands...Pupil living in mumbai say we are born here and we luv this place we just cant live without walking on the roads of mumbai where we were born atleast once in a day...
But after bomb blast...
Pupil still say mumbai has given so much to us a place to live,bread and butter for every meal we dont' mind serving our lives to the place we live luv u "Mumbai"...Whatever happens mumbai is the heartily place of every indian to live atleast for a while...Mumbai meri jaan...........